Blood Donation Requirement: Who Can Give Blood Donors?

Blood Donation Requirement
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It is a reason why you have to know Who Can Give Blood Donors. Therefore, let’s see some basic requirements to see before doing the blood donation, so that everything will be fine for this good intention.
  1. Generally, if you are in good health, there is nothing to worry about to do this blood donation. But, some things should be noticed if you are really serious to donate the blood. The ones who are allowed to donor are those in their 17 or up. They should not have serious health problem, with the weigh at least 110 pounds. In several countries, those who have the weigh 45 kg are also allowed to donate. 
  2. Checking the blood pressure is also important. Those Who Can Give Blood Donors are the ones with the blood pressure under 180 (for its systolic) and 100 (for its diastolic). If you have the blood pressure more than the required one, you are not permitted to do blood donation. 
  3. The donors should not have body piercing for the last 12 months. This is not fine for them to donate unless if they only have pierced ears. 
  4. The diet should be prepared, at least four hours before donating. Making sure you have good nutrition supply inside the body and fluid to keep the body healthy before donating is important. 
  5. If you suffer diabetes, it is better to check it up first. In certain condition, it is allowed for you to donate. But, it is better to consult with your doctor first. 
  6. If you think you have cough and flu, it is better to wait until you feeling well already. This is not good if you force yourself to donate your blood with this health condition. 
So, that’s all the points you have to know about Who Can Give Blood Donors. There are a lot of people are willing to give their bloods to those who need it. But, it is wise to check the condition first so that it will not endanger the donors when they are not healthy.

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