Sharing Happiness by Blood Donation, Give Blood and Save Life

What is a little happiness you can share to give the chance for someone lives longer? The answer might be Blood Donation, Give Blood and Save Life. Well, it is not that literally you will make someone’s life longer, but it is one of the ways of helping someone to get better condition. As you have understood, people may get easily weak if they have less blood for daily metabolism. In this case, your blood will not be simply given to those who need it for suffering simple disease. Those who need your blood might be suffering severe disease such as cancer, which makes them hard to live the life as the others. This is why your blood can save someone’s life and makes them relief. 

Blood Donation, Give Blood and Save Life
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As the result, the receivers at least can survive and have better condition. The donors will also get the benefits after donating their blood. Therefore, there is no use to ignore those who need our help to save their life. For better understanding, let’s see some facts of blood donation. It will relate to the idea why blood donation is very important and you should be grateful for doing this. 
  1. As it is known, Blood Donation, Give Blood and Save Life, you might understand that every 2 seconds someone needs your blood to survive. This is only a fact based on the research for U.S. people. You can imagine if it is for all people over the world. It makes your blood so precious to save people’s life.
  2. The most requested blood is type O, and the numbers of people with this blood type are more than the other types. It means the chance of saving people’s life is always bigger.
  3. Donating blood will refresh the metabolism inside the body. There is always benefit for the donor so it is good for your life too. 
  4. d. All blood cannot be reproduced by machine. This is why the patients need direct donors. The bloods you give to them are fresh and directly given to help their condition. Therefore, many people agree, “Blood Donation, Give Blood and Save Life.” 
After seeing some facts above, you know how important it is to donate your blood especially if you are healthy. This is also happiness for us to do Blood Donation, Give Blood and Save Life. Let’s be generous and give them more happiness for their life.

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