The Benefits of Coffee - According to Science

The Benefits of Coffee - According to Science
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Are the benefits of coffee the primary reason you drink it every so often or do you enjoy your cups just for the sake of lifestyle? Coffee has been an integral part of social today with coffee shops blooming like mushroom in rainy days. From upscale coffee shops to low-end ones, you can enjoy your shots of caffeine daily with little hassle. The sad thing is that some only come to those shops to take photos, post those photos on Instagram, and leave the scene after paying. Some even pay without actually drinking the coffee they order—not even a sip.
This is unfortunate because the benefits of coffee are truly amazing. Science has proven this, despite growing concerns over the correlation between high caffeine intake and overall health conditions. Over-consuming of coffee can lead to disorders—but so can other things. The key is moderation. Limit your caffeine intake accordingly and by the end of the day, your coffee becomes your best friend. Also, try to avoid adding junk into your coffee. They will only increase health risks no matter how pleasant they taste to your mouth. If you must, stick to artificial sweetener (not too many, though) or grab yourself a carton of skim milk.

The Benefits of Coffee are Abundant but these are the Biggest of Them all

Increase energy levels and make your brain brighter

Once consumed, caffeine travels to your brain and subsequently blocks adenosine, a neurotransmitter with inhibitory property. With adenosine lowering in level, dopamine and norepinephrine elevate. As a result, more neurons are firing, leading to heightened cognitive functions.

Burn those fats away

The fact that caffeine is one of the ingredients prevalent in almost all kinds of fat-burning supplement should already speak for itself. Metabolic rate within your body is upped by 3 – 11% following caffeine consumption.

Coffee contains essential nutrients

Nutritive contents of coffee beans typically remain even after roast process. A cup of coffee may serve you:

  • 11% of RDA of riboflavin
  •  6% of RDA of pantothenic acid
  • 3% of RDA of manganese and potassium
  •  2% of RDA of magnesium and niacin
While these numbers may not appear significant, they are only within a cup. You would spend a day with cups of coffee so the numbers would finally add up to a bigger total. 

Fight off depression and live happier

Studies show that depression risks decrease by 20% in women who consume at least 4 cups of coffee daily. Suicide risks decrease by 53% in anyone who have the same amount of coffee daily.

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